Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Week 4 Project Management Assignment

Project Schedule Estimating Activity Duration

In week 4 I was a task with conducting a web search and locating at least two resources that would be useful in planning and ID project's schedule. I was then to explore the sites and consider how I might use them to help plan a project's schedule, budget, or break down a project's tasks. Finally, I am to write a brief description and evaluation of the resources available on each site. Share the most helpful thing I found about each site and how I might use it.

The first site I found was Chapman Alliance. Chapman Alliance can be found at http://www.chapmanalliance.com/howlong/. What I really like about this site is it gives the ID a baseline for the average of how long it takes to create learning. They broke creating learning down by industry. Then even broke it down further by what type of learning is being development. They base creating learning off the ADDIE model and provide the reader with percentages of times for each phase and what type of task will be performed to develop specific training like instructor-led and eLearning.  Chapman even included an average cost comparison summary in their PDF presentation. I strongly suggest if you are just getting into instructional design or you are working for a company that is just starting to build their training department that you take the time to review their presentation.

The second site I will share is Smartsheet. This is a collaboration application that allows you to plan your projects out at a detailed task level, assigns resources, assigns completion dates, check the task as completed, and allows the whole team to collaborate in real time. This site can be found at https://www.smartsheet.com/. I have been using this project-planning tool now for over two years and I find for what I need to track it is pretty sufficient. If you are working on a large-scale project like implementing SAP you may want to look at a more robust application.


Chapman Alliance. (2017). How long does it take to create learning? Retrieved from http://www.chapmanalliance.com/howlong/

Smartsheet. (2017). Retrieved from https://www.smartsheet.com/



  1. Hi Lisa, I see what you mean about the Chapman Alliance blog. That presentation shares actual feedback from many sources about the creation of instructor lead training. I have to say I am wildly unfamiliar with costs involved in development. This could be useful moving forward.

  2. Hello Lisa,
    I went to Smartsheets and actually signed up for a trial to help me with the class project. I haven’t had a chance to see all the things it can do but it does seem user friendly. I like the fact that you can toggle the view of your inputted information from grid, Gantt, card, or calendar.
    I see what you are saying about using a different product for larger projects. For now, this looks like good fit for someone like me just starting out.

    Thanks, Robert

  3. Hello Lisa,
    I think that the two resources you have provided are great. I will look more into Chapman Alliance to assist me with the course project. I think it provides a lot of information that would be of use to me now and in the future.
